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Condiciones de uso EN

Terms of use


In compliance with Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE),

Playa Den Bossa Cruises informs that it is the owner of the website In accordance with the requirement of article 10 of the aforementioned Law, Playa Den Bossa Cruises reports the following information:
The owner of this website is Cruceros Playa Den Bossa, S.L., with registered office at Avenida 8 de Agosto number 5, bajos, CP 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands), and with CIF B07907710. The email address for contact with the company is: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In addition, services are offered on this website by Aquabus Newco SL with CIF B09713314 and with registered office at Avenida 8 de Agosto number 5

1.2.- This Legal Notice contains the General Conditions of Use of the Web Page, the Policies for the Protection of Personal Data and Intellectual and Industrial Property of the Web Page, the limitations of responsibility of the Owner of the Web Page, the obligations of the Users of the Website and the General Conditions of Contract that govern the provision of the services of the Website.

1.3.- This Legal Notice is subject to changes and updates, so the version published by the Owner may be different each time the User accesses the Website. Therefore, the User must read the Legal Notice each and every time they access the Website.


2.1.- “Page”
Domain that is made available to Internet Users.

2.2.- "User"
Natural or legal person who uses or browses the Website.

2.3.- "Content"
They are the pages that make up the entire domain, which make up the information and services that the Owner makes available to Internet Users. They contain messages, texts, photographs, graphics, icons, logos, technology, links, textures, drawings, sound and/or image files, recordings, software, appearance, graphic design and source codes and, in general, any kind of material contained in the Page.

2.4.- “Website”
Technical word that describes the system of access to information via the Internet, which is configured through pages made with HTML, ASP, or similar language, and programming mechanisms such as java, javascript, PHP, or other similar. These pages designed and published under an Internet domain name are the result of the information that the owner makes available to Internet Users.

2.5.- "Links, Links, Links and similar"
Technique by which a User can browse different pages of the Web, or the Internet, with a simple click on the text, icon, button or indicator that contains the link.

2.6.- “Cookies”
Technical means for the traceability and monitoring of navigation on the Web Pages. They are small text files that are written to the User's computer.

2.7.- “Ticket”
It is the locator number and, if applicable, the baggage check, issued by or on behalf of the Carrier, which entitles its holder or the passenger to travel from the origin to the destination under the terms and conditions contained therein and in the General Conditions of Contract.

2.8.- "Passenger"
Natural or legal person holding or holder of a Ticket, except for members of the operational crew.

2.9.- "Owner" or "Carrier"
Means Cruceros Playa Den Bossa, S.L., with registered office at Avenida 8 de Agosto number 5, bajos, CP 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands), and with CIF B07907710.


3.1.- Through the Web Page, the Owner provides Users with access and use of various Contents published through the Internet by the Owner or by authorized third parties.

3.2.- These General Conditions of Use of the Website, together with the General Contract Conditions that govern the provision of services, are intended to regulate both the provision of information and the commercial relations that arise between the Holder and the Users of the Website.

3.3.- These General Conditions of Use of the Web Page will apply both to the promotional activity and provision of information that is carried out through the Web Page as well as to the provision of services offered on the Web Page, in such a way that They will govern at all times both for browsing the Web Page, as well as for the acquisition of goods and/or the provision of services within the framework of the Web Page, although these latter activities will additionally be subject to both these General Conditions of Use of the Web Page, as well as the General Contract Conditions that are applicable.

3.5.- The Owner may at any time and without prior notice, modify these General Conditions of Use of the Website, as well as the General Contract Conditions contained in this Legal Notice, by publishing said modifications on the Website, in order that they may be known by the Users, always before visiting the Website or the acquisition of any goods offered on the Website. The modification will not be effective until the day after its publication.


4.1.- For the purposes of the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, the Owner informs the User of the existence of a personal data file created with the data obtained on the Website by and for the Owner, and under their responsibility, for the purposes of information and provision of the services offered on the Website, as well as carrying out promotional and advertising activities by any means, including sending emails emails and messages through any system including SMS, UTMS, etc., that may be of interest to you to expand and improve our products, adapting our offers to your preferences or needs, based on the study and segmentation of personal information and that appears in our files as a result of your access to the Website, as well as to allow personalized browsing.

4.2.- The User expressly accepts the inclusion of the data collected while browsing the Website, or provided through any form, as well as those derived from the commercial relationship, in said automated personal data file. During the data collection process, and in each place of the Web Page in which said data is requested, the User will be informed, either by means of a Hyperlink, or by including the appropriate mentions in the form itself, of the mandatory or not the collection of such data except for making reservations, in which case the Holder informs the User from this moment that it will not be considered voluntary, so its inclusion will be necessary for the formalization of the provision of services , provide the data related to identity, address and credit card number to make the payment, as these data are necessary for the formalization and provision of the different services offered on the Website.

4.3.- In the event that some of the services are specifically aimed at minors, the Owner will request the consent of the parents or guardians for the collection of personal data or, where appropriate, for the automated processing of the data.

4.4.- The User is solely responsible for the veracity and correctness of the data included, exonerating the Owner of any responsibility in this regard. Users guarantee and are responsible, in any case, for the accuracy, validity and authenticity of the personal data provided, and undertake to keep them duly updated. The User agrees to provide complete and correct information in the registration or subscription form. The Owner is not responsible for the veracity of the information that is not of its own elaboration and for those indicated by other sources, for which reason it does not assume any responsibility regarding hypothetical damages that could be caused by the use of said information. The Owner reserves the right to update, modify or delete the information contained in its web pages and may even limit or deny access to such information. The Owner is exonerated from responsibility for any damage or loss that the User may suffer as a result of errors, defects or omissions, in the information provided by the Owner, provided that it comes from sources unrelated to it.

4.5.- The User may exercise, with respect to the data collected in the manner provided in the previous section, the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition:
You can direct your communications and exercise the rights of access, rectification, cancellation or opposition, as well as the revocation of consent for the transfer of your data or for any of the aforementioned uses, at the email address: aquabusferryboats@gmail. com, or by ordinary mail addressed to CRUCEROS PLAYA DEN BOSSA, S.L., with registered office at Avenida 8 de Agosto number 5, bajos, CP 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands). In order to exercise said rights and in compliance with the Organic Law on Data Protection, it is necessary for you to prove your identity before the Holder by sending a photocopy of the National Identity Document or any other legally valid identity document.

4.6.- The Owner informs that, for the User to access any part of the content or services offered on the Website, it may be necessary to have filled in the registration forms, or similar, in which the User is requested to the introduction of personal data. Likewise, it is possible that the Owner, with the aim of improving its services, activate "cookies" programs through which user data is obtained. In order to expedite the service offered, the Holder may use "cookies" to offer a better and more personalized service. This "cookie" is installed when the browsing session begins on the Website. If the User does not want the "cookie" to be installed on their hard drive, they must configure their browser to not receive them, using the procedure recommended by their browser for this, or delete it directly on their computer. In this case, the speed and quality in the operation of the services of the Holder may decrease. As long as you have not activated the option that prevents the installation of cookies on your hard drive, you can explore it by following the instructions and help manual of your operating system to know each server from which the "cookies" are sent. The Holder will save his typical navigation route to adapt our services as much as possible to his preferences. The User expressly consents to the use of "cookies" by the Owner, without it being necessary to request their consent again each time they enter our Website. The names of the servers that transmit or activate the automatic data collection procedures are under the domain of the Owner's Website.

4.7.- The User declares to have been informed of the conditions on personal data protection, accepting and consenting to their automated processing by the Holder, in the manner and for the purposes indicated in this Personal Data Protection Policy. Certain services provided on the Portal may contain particular conditions with specific provisions regarding the protection of Personal Data. By accepting these conditions, the User expressly consents to the transfer or communication of the data included in the above-mentioned file to the Holder, with the purpose that he can process his personal data to send him offers and advertising messages by any system, regarding your products and services. The User is informed that said assignment will take place in the act of collecting the personal data. The User has with respect to the personal data provided, the rights of access, opposition, rectification and cancellation, which may be made effective before the owner of the file or any of the assignees at the following address: Avenida 8 de Agosto number 5, bajos, CP 07800 Ibiza (Balearic Islands), in the manner previously provided.

4.8.- The Owner undertakes to use the data included in the file, to respect its confidentiality and to use it in accordance with the purpose of the file, as well as to comply with its obligation to save it and adapt all measures to avoid the alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access. The Owner has adopted the security levels of protection of Personal Data legally required, and tries to install those other means and additional technical measures at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorized access and theft of the Personal Data provided. . The Owner will not be responsible for possible damages or losses that could be derived from interferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, telephone breakdowns or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system, motivated by causes beyond the Owner's control; of delays or blockages in the use of this electronic system caused by deficiencies or overloads of telephone lines or overloads in the Data Processing Center, in the Internet system or in other electronic systems, as well as damages that may be caused by third parties people through illegitimate interference beyond the control of the Holder. However, the User must be aware that the security measures are not impregnable.


5.1.- All the Contents displayed on the Website and especially, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, trademarks, drawings or any other signs susceptible to industrial and commercial use are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights of the Owner or third party owners thereof who have duly authorized their inclusion on the Website.

5.2. In no case will it be understood that any license is granted or that said rights are waived, transferred, transferred, in whole or in part, nor is any right or expectation of right conferred, and especially, of alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication on said contents without the prior express authorization of the Owner or of the corresponding owners.


6.1. The Owner will only be liable for the damages that the User may suffer as a result of the use of the Website when said damages are attributable to a willful act of this company. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Website, as well as the provision of the services offered therein, is carried out at his entire risk and his entire responsibility.

6.2.- The owner excludes all responsibility for the decisions that the User may make based on this information, as well as for possible typographical errors that the documents and graphics of the Web Page may contain. The information is subject to possible periodic changes without prior notice of its content due to expansion, improvement, correction or updating of the Contents.

6.3.- The provision of the service of the Web Page and the Contents has, in principle, an indefinite duration. The Owner, however, may terminate or suspend the provision of the Web Page service and/or any of the Contents at any time.

6.4.- The Owner does not assume any responsibility for any discrepancies that may exist between the printed documents and the electronic version published on this Web Page. In case of discrepancy between the printed version and the one published on the Website, the printed version will prevail.

6.5.- The Owner does not guarantee the absence of interruptions or errors in accessing the Website or its Contents, nor that they are updated, although it will make its best efforts to avoid, correct or update them, if applicable. Therefore, the Owner is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind caused to the User that are caused by failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation or interruption of the Portal service during the provision of the same or in advance.

6.6.- The Owner excludes, with the exceptions contemplated in current legislation, any liability for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability, continuity or quality of the operation of the Web Page and the Contents, by non-compliance with the utility expectation that the Users may have attributed to the Website and the Contents.

6.7.- The function of the links, links, links and assimilated that appear on this Web Page is exclusively to inform the User about the existence of other portals that contain information on the matter. This does not constitute a suggestion or recommendation.

6.8.- The Owner is not responsible for the contents of the linked web pages, the operation, utility or result of the Hyperlinks, nor does it guarantee the absence of viruses or other elements in them that may cause alterations in the computer system (hardware and software), documents or files of the User, excluding any liability for damages caused to the User for any of these reasons.

6.9.- Access to the Website does not imply the obligation on the part of the Holder to control the absence of viruses, worms or any other harmful computer element. In any case, the User is responsible for the availability of adequate tools for the detection and disinfection of harmful computer programs. Therefore, the Owner is not responsible for possible security errors that may occur during the provision of the Website service, nor for possible damage that may be caused to the User's computer system or third parties (hardware and software ), the files or documents stored therein, as a result of the presence of viruses in the User's computer used to connect to the services and contents of the Web, a malfunction of the browser or the use of non-updated versions of the same.


7.1.- The User is obligated and undertakes to use the Web Page and the Contents in accordance with current legislation, these Conditions of Use of the Web Page, and any other notice or instructions brought to their attention, either through of these General Conditions of Use of the Web Page or in any other place within the contents that make up the Web Page, as well as with the rules of coexistence, morality and generally accepted good customs.

7.2.- For this purpose, the User undertakes and undertakes not to use any of the Contents for illicit purposes or effects, prohibited in the General Conditions of Use of the Website or by current legislation, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, disable, overload, deteriorate or prevent the normal use of the Contents, computer equipment or documents, files and all kinds of content stored on any computer equipment owned or contracted by the Owner, of other Users or any Internet User (hardware and software).

7.3.- The User undertakes and undertakes not to transmit, disseminate or make available to third parties any kind of material contained on the Website, such as information, texts, data, content, messages, graphics, drawings, sound files. and/or image, photographs, recordings, software, logos, trademarks, icons, technology, photographs, software, links, graphic design and source codes, or any other material to which you may have access as a User of the Website, without that this enumeration is limited in nature.

7.4.- Likewise, in accordance with all of this, the User may not reproduce, copy, distribute, make available in any way, publicly communicate, transform or modify the Contents, unless they have the written and explicit authorization of the Owner. , who is responsible for the corresponding rights, or that this is legally permitted. The User may not delete, manipulate or in any way alter the "copyright" and other identifying data of the reservation of rights of the Owner or its owners, fingerprints and / or digital identifiers, or any other technical means established for your recognition. The User must refrain from obtaining or even attempting to obtain the Content using means or procedures other than those that, depending on the case, have been made available to them or have been indicated on the web pages where they are located or, in in general, of those that are habitually used on the Internet for this purpose, provided that they do not entail a risk of damage or disablement of the Website and/or the Contents.

7.5.- The User expressly accepts and for all communications related to the use of the Web, and/or the contracting of the services offered therein, the use of email as a valid procedure for the remittance of said communications.


8.1.- These General Conditions of Contract, together with the General Conditions of Use of the Web Page, will expressly regulate the relationships that arise between the Owner and the Users who contract the provision of services or products offered through the Web Page.

8.2.- These General Conditions have been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce; Law 7/1998, of April 13, on General Conditions of Contract; Royal Decree 1906/1999, of December 17, which regulates telephone or electronic contracting with general conditions in development of article 5.3 of Law 7/1998; Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of November 16, which approves the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defense of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws; Law 7/1996, of January 15, on the Regulation of Retail Trade; Law 59/2003, of December 19, on electronic signatures; and how many legal provisions are applicable.

8.3.- The Owner informs that the procedures to carry out the acquisition of goods and/or obtain the provision of the services offered, are those that are described in these general conditions, as well as those other specific ones that are indicated on the screen during navigation. , so that the User declares to know and accept said procedures as necessary to access the products and services offered on the Website.

8.4.- Any modification and/or correction of the data provided by the Users during browsing must be carried out according to the indications included in the Web Page.

8.5.- Users who contract services through the Owner's Web Page state that they are of legal age (18 years). In the case of contracting by minors, authorization from the parents or guardians is required to be able to enjoy the contracted service.


9.1.- Passengers must present themselves for boarding 30 minutes before the departure of the ship. If the boarding passes are not available beforehand, within these limits, the Holder reserves the right to freely dispose of the seat assigned to the passenger.

9.2.- The Ticket is personal and non-transferable. Passengers have the right to transport personal baggage.

9.3.- The Carrier is not responsible for possible theft or loss of luggage or personal belongings of the Passengers. Passengers are advised to carry valuables with them.

9.4.- Any claim, in order to be admitted, must be accompanied by the Ticket coupon that remains in the Passenger's possession, accepting all the conditions that appear therein for the sole fact of having been used as a ticket.

9.5.- Once a ticket has been purchased, the Carrier will not admit returns. Changes will only be made when there are places available and at an additional cost of €5 per Passenger and journey.

9.6.- The non-use or loss, before its use, by the Passenger of the Ticket at the corresponding moment, in whole or in part, will not generate any obligation for the Carrier to return or reimburse the price of the Ticket, including the fuel supplement, management charge, taxes or any other amount paid by the Passenger for the contracted Ticket.

9.7.- The schedules and itineraries may be subject to changes due to breakdowns, acts of God or force majeure. In such cases, the Carrier will adopt reasonable control measures to bring such variations to the attention of the affected Passengers. If necessary, the Carrier can be replaced by another Carrier or use other vessels.

9.8.- In the event that the ship for which this Ticket has been dispatched does not carry out the voyage consigned therein, due to breakdown, act of God or force majeure, the Carrier assumes no responsibility other than the obligation to reimburse the full amount. of the Ticket.

9.9.- The passenger who does not board, for any reason beyond the Carrier, will not have the right to change or refund the amount of the Ticket.

9.9.1- The passenger is subject to the police regulations and good internal order established on board and in charge of the Captain.


10.1.- The Services offered on the Website -publication of information and online ticket sales- will be governed both by what is established in the General Conditions of Use of the Website, in the General Conditions of Contract and, especially, by what provided for in the Particular Conditions established for each of said services.

10.2.- In order to access the provision of some of the services offered through the Website, you may provide the User with a Username and a secret code (“Password”). The Username and Password provided by the Owner to the User are identifying and enabling elements to access the services and are personal and non-transferable. The Holder may make, with adequate notice, modifications to the User Name and/or password, in which case the modified passwords will lose their validity.

10.3.- All the means and technical requirements that are necessary to access the Website and the services offered therein will be the sole responsibility of the User, as well as any expenses or taxes that the provision of said services may give rise to.

10.4.- Once accessed, and to proceed with the use of the different services, the User must follow all the indications and instructions on the screen, completing for these purposes the Particular Conditions and other forms established for each service, which will mean the reading and acceptance of all the general conditions established in the General Conditions of Use of the Website and in these General Conditions of Contract.


11.1.- For any questions that arise regarding the interpretation, application and compliance with the General Conditions of Use of the Website, the Policies for the Protection of Personal Data and Intellectual and Industrial Property, the limitations of responsibility of the Owner, the obligations that the Users of the Web Page and the General Contracting Conditions that govern the provision of the services of the Web Page, contained in this Legal Notice, as well as the claims that may arise from its use, all parties involved submit exclusively to the Judges and Courts of Ibiza, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may correspond to them.


12.1.- The General Conditions of Use of the Web Page, the Policies for the Protection of Personal Data and Intellectual and Industrial Property, the limitations of responsibility of the Owner, the obligations of the Users of the Web Page and the General Conditions of Contracts that govern the provision of the services of the Website, contained in this Legal Notice, are subject to Spanish regulations. All copyrights reserved by international intellectual property laws and treaties. Its copying, reproduction or dissemination, in whole or in part, by any means is expressly prohibited.

  • Hits: 7523

FAQs Regular Line Ibiza Formentera

FAQs Regular Line Ibiza Formentera

Frequently asked questions about going from Ibiza to Formentera

I need to contact Customer Service:

To contact customer service you can do so via email or phone/whatsapp:

  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Whatsapp/Phone: +34 644 28 44 96
Do I need to print my reservation?

No, it is not necessary, You can show your reservation on your mobile device to our staff.

I have not received confirmation of my reservation, what should I do?

If you have not received confirmation of your reservation, you may have entered your email address incorrectly. In this case, contact Customer Service.

Can I change the date or time of my reservation?

Yes, you can change the date or time by paying an procesing fee of €5 per passenger per trip.

Can I travel at any time?

If you have purchased an open ticket, you can board at any available time as long as there are seats available.

I have booked a fixed time. Can I board at another time?

The recommendation is to travel at the reserved time. If you arrive late, you can board at the next available time as long as there are places available.

What happens if I arrive late and there are no more places available at another time, or there is no other boat later?

In this case you lose your ticket. If you have purchased a round-trip ticket, you can use the return ticket without any problem as you booked.

Can I cancel my reservation?

All reservations made on our site are final without cancellation. If you need to change the dates, you can do this by contacting Customer Service.

I have received a cancellation/schedule change notification. What should I do?

In case of a cancellation of the service on our part, you can change the date/time of your trip without any extra costs.

If it is not possible for you to travel at another time, you can request a full refund for the affected journeys.

If it is a schedule change, as long as it is reasonable, there is no refund option. If this change interferes in any way with your trip, contact Customer Service and they will be happy to help you in the best way possible to solve your situation.

How much time in advance should I show up at the boarding point?

We recommend arriving at least 20 minutes before the scheduled departure time.

Where is the boarding point?

To leave from the port of Ibiza you must go to the port in Ibiza town:

Can I board on any spot?

You must go to the departure point for which you have made the reservation.

 It is not possible to board in Figueretas or Playa d'en Bossa if you have made a reservation to depart from Ibiza as they are independent lines.

 If you want to change the boarding point, contact Customer Service.

Can I bring luggage on board?

Of course! No problem at all..

Can I board with animals? Does it have any cost?

Of course! You can board with your pets at no extra cost. We do recommend that in the case of dogs, and especially if they are large/medium breeds, they wear a muzzle and must be on a leash/carrier at all times. At no time can they be loose on board.

Can I board with a car?

Due to the characteristics of our boats, cars cannot be boarded.

Can I board with a motorcycle?

If you wish to board a motorcycle, you can do so upon request for space availability at no cost.

 We also recommend that you check the page and review the conditions to be able to enter Formentera since depending on the moment there are limitations on vehicle entry.

 If your motorcycle is rented, please check your contract.

Can I bring my bicycle?

No problem! We only recommend that you contact us if you are traveling in groups with a certain number of bicycles.

Where can I park my vehicle?

It is not possible to park your vehicle inside the port. To park you have several options:




  • In the streets next the port there are several parking areas enabled for parking.